Please enable JavaScript in your browser to correctly submit this formGSAL Adoption FormPlease fill out this form completely to be considered for an adoption through GSAL.Name of cat(s) you would like to adopt*First Name*Last Name*Address*Address 2City*State*Zip Code*Email*Confirm Email*Phone*Cell Phone*Drivers License No.Place of EmploymentWork PhoneHousing: Check all that apply.OwnRentLive With ParentsMilitaryIf renting, please give Landlord’s nameIf renting, please give Landlord’s phone numberHow long have you lived at present address?Do you plan on moving within the next 6 months?If yes, what are your plans for your pets?# of Adults# of ChildrenAges?I am a:First Time Pet OwnerHad Pets In the Past, as a ChildThird Had Pets In the Past, as an AdultCurrently OwnPet HistoryPlease give us a history of your pets from the last 5 years.Include all pets in the last 5 years. Be sure to mention type, breed, sex, age, spayed/neutered/declawed, where the pets were kept, vaccinations, years owned, and for how long. *Name of Veterinarian and/or ClinicName account is listed underHave you ever had to bring an animal to a shelter?*YesNoIf so, under what circumstances?I Prefer An:Indoor CatOutdoor CatIndoor/OutdoorOtherHow many hours per day will your pet be left home alone?If your pet will be kept outside, what kind of shelter will be provided?General Household Atmosphere:Busy/Fast PaceSome ActivityQuietHow often do you travel?How will your pet be cared for while you're away?Do all the adults in your household know that you plan to adopt?YesNoDoes anyone in your household have allergies to animals?YesNoWho will be the pet's primary caretaker?Change is inevitable in one's lifetime. What will you do if you move or you can no longer care for your pet?Have you ever been convicted of or received citations for the violation of Federal, State, or Municipal animal codes?YesNoAre the pets currently in your home up to date with their shots?YesNoDon't KnowN/AAre you aware of the annual routine vaccinations recommended for the health and protection of your pet and/or the pet you intend to adopt?YesNoAre you prepared to assume the financial responsibilities of providing your pet with adequate food, medical care, housing, training, toys, etc.? (est. $500+ per year)YesNoAre you prepared to commit to caring for your new pet for the next 10 to 15 years?YesNoFinal VerificationI certify that I am at least 25 years of age and the information I have provided is true. I recognize that any misrepresentation of facts may result in my losing the privilege of adopting a pet. I authorize any and all verifications of statements made in the application, and I understand that the Gulf Shore Animal League has the right to deny my application. I agree to hold GSAL harmless for any issues related to this pet's health and/or temperament. I further understand that I am not purchasing a pet, but adopting a homeless animal. Any donation made on this pet's behalf is not tender for this pet and is non-refundable. Donations to GSAL are applied 100% to approved programs, services, and operations. Registration number CH15717.Signature*By typing your name here, you are acknowledging your electronic signature of this application.SubmitThank you for your interest. One of our adoption counselors will be in touch shortly.